Roxy Theatre Sponsors
Thanks to all our sponsors, donors and supporters for getting us this far in the project.
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Coleman Lions
Roxy Theatre Donors
Blairmore Lions
Thank You to the following donors for their support of Reviving the Roxy Theatre
Francisco Alaniz Uribe
Ken Allred
Elizabeth Anthony
Stephen Arbuckle
Wendy Aris
Jennifer Aris
Jenni Bailey
Dennis & Rina Beech
Rita Bennett
Dave and Shirley Blume
David Borrows
Al Bradley
Fred Bradley
Ginger Bradley
Micaela Brown
Rochelle Brubacher
Henry Bruns
Carol Budgen
John Butt
Tom Campbell
Frank Capron
Brad Chisholm
Wilma Chorney
Brenda Clark
Susan Collings
David Combden
David Combden
Richard Cooke
Louise Costigan-Kerns
Kyla Cytko
Stephanie Czibere
Roy Darcus
Donald Dececco
C, Delawski
Rebecca Dewey
Betty Dodd
Ingrid Dodd
Terri Donald
Ronald W Drysdale
Lynda & Barry Duff
Ryan Dyck
William Ede
Helen Ehlert
Ed Ehrler
Bill Field
Sharon Ford
Kent Foster
Connie Fowle
Michele Fraser
Tina Fujimagari
Truusje Genesis
Wayne Gettman
Lori Prentice
Darryl Raymaker
Patrick Rea
Elizabeth Redekopp
Philippe Reid
Cliff Reiling
Duane Reimer
Terry Roberts
John Rosner
Isabel Russell
Nigel Russell
John Salus
Sandra Sandilands
James Sanyshyn
Carmellia Saretzky
Cory Schultz
Heather Schwab
Roberta Sebok
Randa l Shemko
Rick Somerville
Kathleen Stafinski
Dale Stuckey
Mike Swystun
Debra Thornton
Gloria Torrance
Annette Truitt-Avoledo
Ron and Kerry Tucker
Renzo Tulissi
Robert Vanoni
Patricia Susan Wagner
Darcy & Dawn Wakaluk
Leroy Wamsteeker
Richard & Patricia Wanner
Dean Ward
Gail Williams
Phillip Woodgate
Clara Yagos
Tom Yanota
Rachel Yates
Chuck Gresl
Tim Grier
Frank Grigel
Shelly Groves
Carol Hendrickson
Pat Hergott
Gord Huml
Crystal Husch
Laurie Huska
Michelle Jones
Herald Kane
L Keeler
Sandy Kizan
Bronwyn Kizan
Jeanne Kollée -Gillis
Richard Lamey
Sandra Ledieu
Kari Lehr
David Liddell
Merilyn LIddell
Carol & David Liner
Emily MacKenzie-Grieve
Letha MacLachlan
Jeanne Makin
Mary-Ann Martin
Fred Matt
Murray McCasgar
Denise McCracken
Denise McDonald
Harvey Megli
Mary Anna Misseghers
Lorna Mochinski
George Mylonas
Georgeann Newcomb
Rachel Newrick
Hal Nummi
Diane Nummi
Marianne Ondrus
Cathy Painter
Roselyn Painter
Scott Palmer
Frits Pannekoek
Linda Pederson
Avner Perl
Emily Perley
Ken Peterson
Chad Petrone
Pat Pichurski
Judy Pinel
Carol Poelt
Arthur Powlyk
Karen Prentice